2017 national blitz and rapid chess tournament
2017 National Blitz and Rapid Chess Championships
Registration for the National Blitz and Rapid Chess Champinships has been extended to WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1ST 2017.
THE JAMAICA CHESS FEDERATION UPDATED the National Blitz & Rapid Chess Championships, for The Tournament which begins November 4th & 5th, 2017 will allso see the new increment time controls being implemented for the first time in a National Format for the blitz category.
The changes in the time controls include:
- Blitz G3min/2sec increments Rapid G20min/5 sec increments
- * register at JCFREG@Gmail.com *- - -
- Enter the NM Thomas Figueroa Memorial BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIP and the CM Neil Fairclough RAPID CHAMPIONSHIP at Liberty Academy, 32 Hope Road, Kingston 10;
THE JAMAICA CHESS FEDERATION announces the National Blitz & Rapid Chess Championships, for November 4th & 5th, 2017.
Enter the NM Thomas Figueroa Memorial BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIP and the CM Neil Fairclough RAPID CHAMPIONSHIP at Liberty Academy, 32 Hope Road, Kingston 10
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