jamaica chess federation RULES
Grand Prix Requlations/ Jcf Handbook/ Fide Handbook /Affiliate members/Hall of Fame
JCF Constitution
JCF BYELAWS (1994 And Ammended BY Rules Committee in 2000)
01 Constitution
02 General Meetings
03 Membership & Affiliated Bodies
04 Financial Regulations & Fees
05 Executive Council Functions
06 Sub-Committees
07 Rating System
08 Selection for Participation in Events
3) Junior overseas Protocol Requlations
4) Protocol for selecting National Teams
09 Awards & Titles
10 Code of Conduct, Disciplinary & Appeal Procedures
Chapter 15_ Disciplinary Proceedings
3) Junior overseas Protocol Requlations
4) Protocol for selecting National Teams
5) Criteria and Procedure for Annual Awards
Dear Sirs,
This is to remind you that since the 1st of July 2017 new FIDE
Title Regulations are into effect.
You can find it in FIDE Handbook http://www.fide.com/fide/handb ook.html?id=10&view=category
There are some the most important changes:
0.62 For a direct title to be awarded immediately an applicant has to
have achieved at some time or other a minimum rating as follows:
GM 2300 WGM 2100
IM 2200 WIM 2000
FM 2100 WFM 1900
CM 2000 WCM 1800
1.13 No more than 2 rounds shall be played on any one day.
With an increment of a minimum of 30 seconds for each move, the
minimum time is 90 minutes for the entire game for each player,
apart from the increment.
Without an increment the minimum playing time is 2 hours for
each player. From 1 July 2021 games played without an increment
of at least 30 seconds per move are not valid for titles or
title norms, except in the case of disabled players.
1.23a If groups are combined to make a bigger group, then the
requirements (at least 8 participants from at least 5 federations) in
1.23 shall apply to this merged group. Titles can be awarded to the
best player(s) of the subgroups, provided the subgroup has at least 5
participants from at least 3 federations and the player scores a
minimum of 50 in a minimum of 9 games.
1.3 Titles may be gained by achieving a published or interim rating
at some time or other (see 1.53a) having at that time played at least
30 rated games.
2.3 There is a 30 day deadline in order for the applications to be
considered properly. There is a 50 surcharge for applications to be
considered in a shorter time-scale than this.
Exception: the surcharge may be waived, if the last norm was achieved
so late that the time limit could not be observed.
Those arriving during the Presidential Board, Executive Board or
General Assembly shall be charged a 100 supplement, with no
Thank you.
Best regards,
Qualification Commission