jamaica chess federation ARBITER TRAINING regulations
Introduction - Regulations - Courses
Revised Article 14.01 (July 2000)
14.011 The Council may award the title of CERTIFIED ASSISTANT ARBITER or CERTIFIED SENIOR ARBITER to any member according to the following requirements:-
Requirements for the Title of JCF Assistant Arbiter
- Thorough knowledge of the FIDE Laws of Chess.
- Thorough knowledge of the JCF Constitution, Bye-Laws and Regulations.
- Absolute objectivity, demonstrated at all time during his activity as an arbiter.
- Sufficient knowledge of at least one official FIDE language
[English, Arabic, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish]
- Certificate issued by the Arbiters Council of the JCF (currently the Rules Committee). The successful candidate must achieve a score of not less than 80% in a written examination set by the Rules Committee on the following topics ‑
- The Constitution and Bye‑laws of the JCF
- The F.I.D.E. Laws of Chess and F.I.D.E. Regulations for chess competitions
- Methods of Pairing applied to tournament play
Requirements for the title of JCF Senior Arbiter
- Thorough knowledge of the FIDE Laws of Chess.
- Thorough knowledge of the JCF Constitution, Bye-Laws and Regulations.
- Absolute objectivity, demonstrated at all time during his activity as an arbiter.
- Sufficient knowledge of at least one official FIDE language
[English, Arabic, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish]
- Satisfactory performance as chief or assistant TD in at least five tournaments (run on no less than three bases) sanctioned by the JCF.
- Certificate issued by the Arbiters Council of the JCF (currently the Rules Committee). The successful candidate must achieve a score of not less than 80% in a written examination set by the Rules Committee on the following topics ‑
- The Constitution and Bye‑laws of the JCF
- The F.I.D.E. Laws of Chess and F.I.D.E. Regulations for chess competitions
- Methods of Pairing applied to tournament play
14.012 Certification Testing Procedures
- Certification Tests shall be drawn up by the JCF Rules Committee and administered by the Chairman of the Rules Committee or his designee at regular intervals. Applicants must submit the required form and pay the stipulated examination fee before being allowed to sit the test.
- The test will take the form of (i) multiple choice (50%) (ii) written questions (50%).Applicants for promotion of Certification Level from assistant to senior arbiter shall provide the Rules Committee with the information relating to the tournaments that satisfy the experience requirements, as well as the stipulated application fee.
- Applicants who fail the test for assistant or senior CA must wait two months before repeating the test. Applicants who fail the second attempt must wait six months before taking the test a third time.
14.013 Requirements for Practising Certified Arbiters
All Certified Arbiters (CA) must be current members of the JCF and must not allow their membership to lapse. They must also have an established JCF rating and are encouraged to remain active as players to maintain proper perspective when directing. Every CA should own a copy of the FIDE Laws of Chess as well as a copy of the JCF Constitution, Bye-Laws and Regulations. All CAs are encouraged to work with and assist other directors with greater experience and expertise to increase their own. Likewise they are encouraged to work with those of lesser experience.
14.014 Faults, Restrictions. Penalties and Procedures
The JCF may impose restrictions on a CA's certification upon documentation of technical incompetence, partiality, professional misconduct, or inefficiency.
- Technical Incompetence typically demonstrated by lack of knowledge of the rules and regulations.
- Partiality typically demonstarted by bribery, fraudulent reports, deliberately unfair pairing or scoring practices, deliberately inconsistent rules enforcement, minor irregularities that benefit the CA in an event in which he is eligible for a prize.
- Professional Misconduct typically demonstrated by denigration of a player, arrogance, rude behaviour, failure to respond to official enquiries by the JCF.
- Inefficiency typically demonstrated by lack of adherence to an announced tournament schedule, untimely or inaccurate posting of pairings and results, untimely or inaccurate calculation of tournament-prize distributions.
Allegations of these offences will be investigated by the Rules Committee, while affording the accused with due process. In each investigation the Rules Committee will consider the past accomplishments of the CA in service to chess, as well as other substantiated complaints against the CA.
Imposed restrictions may include warnings, probations, requirements of additional experience or testing to maintain or advance level, demotions of level, limitations on the types of tournaments that may be directed, temporary suspension of directing certification, or permanent decertification.
Any imposition of restrictions may be appealed first to the Rules Committee and finally to the Executive Council of the JCF. All appeals must be filed in writing within 30 days of notice of action taken, and the appeal heard within 7 days of receipt. Restrictions will generally remain in force during the appeals process.