jamaica chess federation RULES

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Protocol for selecting National Teams


1. The National Executive Council (hereafter the “Council”) of the Jamaica Chess Federation (“JCF”), pursuant to its mandate under its Constitution and By-Laws and with a view of improving the governance of the sport of Chess, has reviewed and updated, respectively, the criteria or regulations for players to qualify for the Jamaica Absolute Chess Championship and the Jamaica Women’s Chess Championship and to represent their country, whether locally or internationally.

2. This review sought to achieve a number of results including making provision for criteria that are easy to understand and fair to all concerned; providing as best as possible objective, transparent standards by which players, administrators and all stakeholders will be guided; inspiring Jamaica’s Chess players; and furthering the improvement of Jamaica’s Chess players and, by extension, Jamaica’s Chess;

3. The results of the said review are contained in this document and these provisions shall be further reviewed no later than every three (3) years from the date of this document to determine whether there is any need for amendment.


4. Annually, the JCF under the guidance and supervision of its Council organizes the Jamaica Absolute Chess Championship (hereafter “the Championship”)

5. The following persons will qualify to play in the Championship which will be a twelve-player round-robin:

a) The defending Jamaica Absolute Champion;

b) The winner of the Grand Prix series of events (hereafter “the Grand Prix”) held in the year preceding the year of the Championship;

c) The second place finisher in the Grand Prix;

d) The third place finisher in the Grand Prix;

e) The fourth place finisher in the Grand Prix;

f) The reigning Jamaica Absolute Junior Champion;

(g) The five (5) Jamaican players with the highest World Chess Federation (hereafter “FIDE”) ratings, not being any of the above-mentioned players PROVIDED HOWEVER that these five players must have played a minimum of eighteen (18) FIDE-rated games, whether locally or internationally, during the twelve month-period ending the 31st December of the year preceding the year of the Championship AND have a minimum FIDE rating of 1800. And

(h) A player to be selected at the discretion of the Council of the JCF.


6. The following factors are to be borne in mind by the Council in exercising its discretion in selecting the player to participate in the Championship;

(a) the player’s rating, locally and internationally;

(b) the player’s performance in the Grand Prix;

(c) any illness that might have prevented the player from participating in the Grand Prix or from completing eighteen (18) FIDE-rated games, whether locally or internationally, during the twelve month-period ending the 31st December of the year preceding the year of the Championship;

(d) Whether the player participated in the Jamaica Absolute Junior Championship and his/her performance;

(e) if the player did not play in the Jamaica Absolute Junior Championship, the reason(s) for not doing so;

(f) whether the player is a former Jamaica Absolute Champion;

(g) the number of FIDE-rated games played by the player during the twelve month-period ending the 31st December of the year preceding the year of the Championship; and

(h) any other reason or factor that the Council may determine from time to time.


7. Including any person selected by way of the “Council Discretion”, if there are not sufficient qualifiers in the Championship to arrange a twelve-player round-robin, the Championship is to be organized as a round-robin with the smaller group of persons who qualify.


8. Annually the JCF, through its Council, organizes the Jamaica Women’s Chess Championship (hereafter “the Women’s Championship”).

9. The following persons will qualify to play in the Women’s Championship which will be a twelve-player round-robin:

(a) The defending Jamaica Women’s Champion;

(b) The winner of the Female Grand Prix, namely the highest placed female;

(c) The second place finisher in the Female Grand Prix;

(d) The third place finisher in the Female Grand Prix;

(e) The fourth place finisher in the Female Grand Prix;

(f) The reigning Jamaica Female Junior Champion;

(g) The four (4) Female Jamaican players with the highest World Chess Federation (“FIDE”) ratings, not being any of the above-mentioned players PROVIDED HOWEVER that these four players must have played a minimum of eighteen (18) FIDE-rated games, whether locally or internationally, during the twelve month-period ending the 31st December of the year preceding the year of the Women’s Championship AND have a minimum FIDE rating of 1400. And

(h) two (2) players to be selected at the discretion of the governing Council of the JCF.

10. The following factors are to be borne in mind by the Council in exercising its discretion in selecting the players to participate in the Women’s Championship;

(a) the ratings, locally and internationally, of the players;

(b) the performance of the players in the Grand Prix;

(c) any illness that might have prevented the players from participating in the Grand Prix or from completing eighteen (18) FIDE-rated games, whether locally or internationally, during the twelve month-period ending the 31st December of the year preceding the year of the Championship;

(d) whether the players participated in the Jamaica Female Junior Championship and their performance;

(e) if the players did not play in the Jamaica Female Junior Championship, the reason(s) for not doing so;

(f) whether the players are former Jamaica Women’s Champions;

(g) the number of FIDE-rated games played by the players during the twelve month-period ending the 31st December of the year preceding the year of the Women’s Championship; and

(h) any other reason or factor that the Council may determine from time to time. 11. Including any person selected by way of the “Council Discretion”, if there are not sufficient qualifiers in the Women’s Championship to arrange a twelve-player round-robin, the Women’s Championship is to be organized as a round-robin with the smaller group of persons who qualify.



12. The following persons will qualify to represent Jamaica locally and also internationally, for example in Senior Absolute (Open) team tournaments including the World Chess Olympiad:

(a) The winner of the Championship in the year of the international events, including the World Chess Olympiad;

(b) The second place finisher in the Championship;

(c) The third place finisher in the Championship;

(d) Two (2) Jamaican players with the highest World Chess Federation (hereafter “FIDE”) ratings, not being any of the above-mentioned players PROVIDED HOWEVER that these two players must have played a minimum of eighteen (18) FIDE-rated games, whether locally or internationally, during the twelve month-period preceding the date of the selection of the relevant Jamaican squad AND have a minimum FIDE rating of 2200; and

(e) If there are no players with a minimum FIDE rating of 2200 then the next two Jamaican players with the highest FIDE ratings shall qualify to represent Jamaica PROVIDED HOWEVER that these two players must have played a minimum of eighteen (18) FIDE-rated games, whether locally or internationally, during the twelve month-period preceding the date of the selection of the relevant Jamaican squad.


13. In addition to the players mentioned in clause twelve (12), the persons who finished fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively, in the Championship shall form the National Squad.


14. The following persons will qualify to represent Jamaica locally and also internationally, for example in Women’s team tournaments including the World Chess Olympiad:

(a) The winner of the Women’s Championship in the year of the international events, including the World Chess Olympiad;

(b) The second place finisher in the Women’s Championship;

(c) The third place finisher in the Women’s Championship;

(d) Two (2) Female Jamaican players with the highest World Chess Federation (hereafter “FIDE”) ratings, not being any of the above-mentioned players PROVIDED HOWEVER that these two players must have played a minimum of eighteen (18) FIDE-rated games, whether locally or internationally, during the twelve month-period preceding the date of the selection of the relevant Jamaican squad AND have a minimum FIDE rating of 2000; and

(e) If there are no players with a minimum FIDE rating of 2000 then the next two Female Jamaican players with the highest FIDE ratings shall qualify to represent Jamaica PROVIDED HOWEVER that these two players must have played a minimum of eighteen (18) FIDE-rated games, whether locally or internationally, during the twelve month-period preceding the date of the selection of the relevant Jamaican squad.

15. In addition to the players mentioned in clause fourteen (14), the persons who finished fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively, in the Women’s Championship shall form the National Squad.


16. A Committee (the “Selection Committee”, hereafter called “SC”) of the JCF of at least five (5) persons is to apply the above-mentioned criteria and recommend to the Council the players who qualify for the Championship, Women’s Championship and international representation, respectively.

17. The SC is to be chaired by the President; or such person to whom he/she will delegate his/her responsibilities (a “delegate”); or, such person appointed by the Council to the Chair from time to time.

18. If there is a conflict of interest (for instance, the SC member, his/her relative, spouse, student, coach is a potential “selectee”), the SC member cannot chair the SC or be a part of the SC’s decisions on the issue. If this prevents the SC from having a quorum the matter shall be placed before the Council for decision.

19. The quorum for the SC shall be three (3) and it is to meet at least once per quarter in a regular calendar year (January 1- December 31).


20. The individuals winning the "Absolute” and the "Women’s" Jamaica Chess Championships shall have the automatic/first right to represent Jamaica at official events or, alternatively, international events to which invitations are received. This is for the period from the particular qualifying Championship or tournament falling within a calendar year starting from the day immediately following the end of the said Championship, until a new Champion is determined. For example, if “A” wins the 2017 Championship, he/she will have the first right, during the year of his/her reign, to play in subsequent events such as the Sub-Zonals or World Championship events etc.

21. If the winner is unable to take up his/her duties, the runner-up in the Championship will be eligible to replace the champion. In the event that the 2nd place finisher is unable to fulfill his/her duties, the third place finisher will be the country's representative. If the top three are unable to discharge their duties, the SC will recommend to the Council if a representative should be sent to any particular event and the Council will decide the matter.

22. If a female wins both the "Absolute" and "Women’s" Chess Championships, she earns the right to choose in which category she will represent the country where such a choice becomes necessary. If she chooses to represent in the Absolute category, then the second place finisher in the Women’s Championship automatically becomes the official female representative for any relevant (female) tournament.

(a) The winner remains "champion” in both categories, however, she can only be the representative for international tournaments in only one category if there is a clash, for example at a World Chess Olympiad. If the female chooses to compete in the Women’s category of an international event, then the 2nd place Absolute finisher automatically becomes the official “Absolute” representative.

(b) If the 2nd place finisher is unavailable for whatever reason then the 3rd place finisher shall be the Absolute representative.

(c) If the top three are unable, the SC will recommend to the Council if a representative should be sent to any particular event and the Council will decide the matter.

(d) If a female player qualifies for the Championship, she qualifies automatically for any senior female team to be named during the period leading up to the next Championship.


23. Players being considered to represent Jamaica in international events, and desirous of so doing, must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

(a) be fully-paid-up members of the JCF during the period of representation;

(b) have not been found guilty of disciplinary infractions of any JCF rules within three (3) years of the event in which he/she intends to participate and the Council has decided that this renders such a person ineligible;

(c) have not been convicted of a criminal offence;

(d) have not agreed to be, or be a current, representative of any other national team;

(e) agree to provide to the SC the game scores (or scoresheets) of all the games to be played in the event for which selected and do so within fourteen (14) days of the completion of the said event;

(f) agree to provide a report to the SC regarding any event for which selected and do so within fourteen (14) days of the completion of the said event; and

(g) sign a document as stated herein agreeing to any other stipulation by the JCF regarding representing Jamaica.

24. Regarding international representation there will be standing squads for both Jamaica’s Absolute/Open and Women’s teams as indicated herein.

25. The core of the National Squad, to be established as of the 1st day of January, 2017, shall be those players who represented Jamaica at the 2016 World Chess Olympiad in Baku, Azerbaijan, except insofar as such individuals have not breached any of the eligibility criteria stated herein.

26. The members of any squad will be reviewed every ninety (90) days by the Council after consultation with the SC and any existing (official) Technical Director (hereafter the “TD”) of the said squad.

27. If there is no such TD the SC shall have the sole responsibility of making recommendations regarding the membership of the respective squads. Further, the SC will also have the responsibility of recommending to the Council who will be in charge of the said squads whether full-time or part-time. Further, in such circumstances, the SC will have the responsibility of naming who will be in charge of the squad on an interim basis until a TD is formally appointed.

28. The SC shall recommend to the Council persons to be the TDs of the respective squads with effect from the 1st January, 2017.

29. The appointment of each TD is to be ratified by the JCF Council as soon as is reasonably practicable, including where the SC has appointed, or recommended the appointment of, an interim TD.

30. Anyone wishing to become a TD must comply with the eligibility criteria stated herein.

31. Any non-Jamaican who is appointed TD shall become an honorary member of the JCF for the duration of his/her appointment or contract.

32. Each TD is to sign a document agreeing to assume responsibility for the relevant squad/team for Jamaica on the terms stipulated by the JCF before his/her appointment as TD will take effect. This document will include, among other things, the stipend that will be paid to the TD upon assessed performance by the team he/she has coached. Any such stipend is subject to the availability of funds to the Council.

33. At any particular time, including after any review as herein stated, the SC may recommend to the Council the removal or replacement of any member of any team for justifiable cause or reason, including poor conduct, disciplinary infractions or a failure to meet performance criteria or tasks.

34. The SC will also be able to recommend to the Council the replacement of any member of a team with another player who is not a member of the team who, in the opinion of the SC, has been performing outstandingly in tournaments, whether locally or internationally. PROVIDED HOWEVER that the SC will not recommend to the Council the removal or replacement of any current member of any team without first having consultation with the existing (official) TD for the said squad.

35. The TD shall consult with the SC regarding the creation of a squad of players for the Absolute team or Women’s team, the number of persons in each squad not to exceed the numbers mentioned herein.

36. If at any time there is an irreconcilable dispute or difference of opinion between the SC and the TD of any team regarding the removal or replacement of any member of any team or the addition of any particular person to either squad, these issues shall be referred, by the SC or the TD, for resolution to the Council whose decision on the matter shall be final.

37. Final selection of any team will be based on a number of things including attendance at training sessions; conduct; discipline; performance in training including games locally or internationally; activity throughout the year leading up to the event for which the team is to be selected; and performance at the Championship prior to the event.

38. The Selection Committee shall supply its final team recommendations to the Council for approval.

39. Each member of a squad is to sign an official contract or Letter of Appointment agreeing to represent Jamaica and/or the JCF on the terms stipulated by the JCF before his/her appointment to the squad or team will take effect. This document will include, among other things, any compensation or stipend that will be paid to each squad member upon assessed satisfactory performance by the TD as accepted or confirmed by the Council. Any such compensation or stipend is subject to the availability of funds to the Council.

40. The TD must submit to the JCF a programme of structured monthly training or instruction at least fourteen (14) days before the commencement of the training by the relevant squad for which he/she is responsible. This programme must begin as soon as is reasonably practicable after the appointment of the TD and must include specific team and individual goals or targets.

41. After commencement of the programme of training or instruction, the TD must submit to the Chairman of the SC, for transmission to the Council, calendar quarterly reports of the progress of the squad or team.

42. Where relevant, the TD must submit to the SC a budget regarding the preparation or training of his/her squad/team no later than seven (7) days before the commencement of the training programme mentioned herein.

43. The JCF shall do all that is necessary to ensure that the respective squads or teams are provided with the necessary funding, subject to available resources, to facilitate their training, preparation for events and the participation of members in tournaments, particularly international events.

44. The JCF shall cover the costs (including airfare) of the national champions to international events such as the Sub-Zonals or Zonals by securing the necessary funding, including sponsorship from the Government of Jamaica and corporate entities, locally or internationally.

45. The JCF shall cover the costs of the national teams to international events such as the World Chess Olympiad by securing the necessary funding, including sponsorship from the Government of Jamaica and corporate entities, locally or internationally.

46. The SC is to make recommendations to the Council as to whether any player is entitled or eligible for support regarding overseas travel to play in any Chess event, whether or not that player is a member of either the Absolute/Open or Women’s teams.

47. Overseas based players, including those of Jamaican descent who have another nationality, who wish to represent Jamaica must indicate this in writing to the Council. Such players must meet the other eligibility criteria stated herein, where relevant, and must not commit to representing any other national team during the period he/she is to represent Jamaica. Further, any such player must attend at least one training camp in Jamaica prior to being selected to play at any international event, including the World Chess Olympiad.

The Jamaica Chess Federation
2017 April 29