jamaica chess federation RULES

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15.01 If an allegation of mis-conduct is being made against a member / Club, a written complaint thereof shall be sent to the Council within 7 days of the commission of the misconduct or the discovery thereof.

15.02 If the Council considers the matter frivolous or out side of the jurisdiction, the complainant shall be so informed; if it has jurisdiction and considers the matter serious, it shall direct the Secretary and/or an authorized person to investigate the complaint and make a written report thereon within a specified period of time.

15.03 The report should conclude EITHER by stating that the complaint is unfounded and so is dismissed OR by formulating a charge against the member / Club.

15.04 A copy of the report shall be sent to the Complainant and the member / Club; if the report contains a charge against the member / Club, the copy thereof shall be accompanied by a written notice of the time, date and place fixed for the hearing of the charge, PROVIDED THAT there should be at least 30 days between the date of the service of the notice and the date of the hearing.

15.05 The Council shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee of 3 members to hear the charge; at the hearing the Complaint and the member / Club may call witnesses and may be represented by Counsel or other person; after hearing the evidence, the Committee may dismiss the charge or fine the member / Club or suspend the membership / affiliation for such period it deems fit or cancel the membership / affiliation of the member / Club.

15.06 The member / Club may appeal from any fine, suspension or cancellation imposed by the Disciplinary Committee to the Appeals Committee of the Council. CHAPTER