jamaica chess federation RULES

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  1. A Committee (to be called the “Selection Committee”) of at least five (5) persons is to be established by the Council of the Jamaica Chess Federation (“JCF”)to determine whether any player is entitled or eligible for support regarding overseas travel.
  1. This Selection Committee is to be chaired by the President or such person to whom he will delegate his responsibilities (a “delegate”) unless there is a conflict of interest (for instance, the President is a potential “selectee”). In such an event, the President or his delegate cannot chair or be a part of committee decisions on the issue.


  1. The quorum for this Committee shall be three and it should meet at least once per quarter.


  1. The individuals winning the "Absolute” and the "Female/Women’s" Jamaican Championships shall have the automatic/first right to represent the country at official events following the particular qualifying tournament.


  1. If the winner is unable to take up his/her duties, the runner-up in the various tournament will be eligible to replace the champion. In the event that the 2nd place finisher is unable to fulfill his/her duties, the third place finisher will be the country's representative. If the top three are unable, the Selection Committee will decide if a representative should be sent to any particular event.
  1. If a female wins both the "absolute" and "female" category, she earns the right to choose in which category she will represent the country. If she chooses to represent in the absolute section, then the second place finisher in the female section automatically becomes the female representative for the upcoming tournament. The winner of course remains "champion” in both categories, however, she can only be the  representative for international tournaments in only one category if there is a clash. If the female chooses to compete in the female category, then the 2nd place absolute finisher automatically becomes the absolute representative.


  1. Players who qualify to represent Jamaica in international eventsmust also satisfy the following criteria:
  1. be fully-paid-up members of the JCF;
  2. have no disciplinary proceedings pending;
  3. have not been found guilty of disciplinary infractions within five years of the event in which he/she intends to participate;
  4. agree to provide the game scores of all the games to be played abroad; and
  5. agree to provide a report to the JCF secretariat regarding the tournament.


  1. Selection to team events, such as the Olympiad, will not be automatic but will be done after a squad has been named by the Selection Committee and a training regime implemented. Final selection will be based on a number of things including attendance at these training sessions, punctuality, conduct, satisfactory completion of assigned tasks and performance in training games.
  1. The JCF shall cover the costs (including airfare) of the national champions to international events such as the Sub-Zonals, Zonals etc.


  1. The Selection Committee shall supply its final nominations/selections to the Council for ratification.


2016 March14

Ian G. Wilkinson QC
Selection Committee